Sunday, 26 May 2013

Idea that I've decided on

The Proposal!

Finally, after deciding on the topic, now its time to show you my proposal!

Topic of Investigation

Relationship between the angle of wing to distance travel

Observation Made

I was researching on what topic I should investigate for the SIP project when I came across a similar experiment also on aerodynamics. That experiment was to find out how different materials of paper folded into a paper plane can affect the distance that it would travel. I decided that it was an interesting topic and I wanted to conduct a similar experiment adapting only certain ideas from it. I modified the experiment to the independent variable being the angle between the body and the wing of the plane. I wanted to find out how the different angles between the body and wing affect the distance that it could travel. Hence, this proposal was the next step to carrying out the experiment.

Hypothesis Statement
The wider the angle of the wing from the body of the plane, the further the distance it will travel.

Research Question
Can the angle of the wing from the body of a plane affect the distance it travels?

A short summary on research done on the area of investigation
All physical objects on Earth are subjected to gravity. Other than gravity, air pressure and air resistance affects whether the object can take flight. Flight can only happen when it can overcome the influence of the gravity. If the pull of gravity is overcome, the object can take flight, if not the object will fall to the ground. As the aircraft moves it pushes air out of the way. This is similar to water in a bathtub. When a person enters a bathtub, the water level rises uniformly in response to the amount of space the person takes up. The greater the surface area, the greater amount of space it needs to take up, hence increasing the amount of air needed to move.  There is a wide selection of designs for paper plane. In this experiment, the dart design will be used for its popularity. The dart design can be achieved by folding a piece of paper along the centerline of the long side. The corners are then folded outwards thrice. At the wing tips, winglets can be folded up.

Bibliography (Please refer to RS Students’ Handbook in RS Folder on Inet regarding APA Style Format)

Thanks for reading through!

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